And that is what Lebron James has created of himself.
In light of tonight's 1-hour special to announce the future of Lebron James, I have come up with the top 5 reasons why Lebron James is such a douchebag.
1) He idolizes Jay-Z. And I know what you're thinking "so what I Idolize Jay-Z too", yeah but you're not one of the best basketball players in the world. Rappers should idolize players, and not the other way around. You think Michael Jordan ever idolized MC Hammer or Snooptiy Dogg Dogg? I mean LJ even created his own secret handshake with Jay-Z as some form of street cred greeting to show off to the world after games. Leave the glorifying to the artists. Let them sing/rap about you Lebron, get off of Jigga's dick.

2) He's best friends with the kid in the wheelchair from Degrassi: The Next Generation - Aubrey Graham or more commonly known as Drake. Pipsqueak turned gangsta rapper has been seen at many of Lebron's games and the dude even dedicated a video for the hit song "Forever" to Lebron showcasing his rise to the NBA. OK, now that I think about it, their relationship is getting a little bit weird, not that there is anything wrong with that.

3) He got his ass dunked on in a off-season basketball camp game by an NCAA player, than made sure all footage of the dunk was destroyed by Nike. That is colossal douchebaggery right there. What made things even worse for James was that footage was released of the dunk by a patron who captured the dunk on his camera phone, and it wasn't even that monstrous of a dunk. Which is a testament of how highly Lebron thinks of himself, and how bothered he is by any glimpse that may signify he is not a god.
4) He refused to shake hands with the Orlando Magic after getting eliminated from the playoffs 2 years ago. Not only that, but he skipped the post-game press conference and basically left all his teammates out to dry to the media, especially considering the only comments he gave on his way off the court and out of the arena was "I didn't lose". Sure Lebron, you won and the rest of your teammates lost. Can somebody queue a slow clap for this guy? Now to top it all off, when asked about his disrespectful gesture a few days later, he came up with this gem: "I felt like I got knocked out, when somebody knocks you out in a fight, do you get up and shake their hand?" Uh yes! You do actually. Have you ever watched a pro Boxing fight or a UFC card? I guess not, continue on with the slow clap.
5) Teammate Delonte West is rumoured to have done the horizontal tango with Miss Gloria James. Now I know that technically doesn't make Lebron a douchebag, seeing as how there is no action there from him to qualify as douchebaggery behaviour, but that kind of stuff only happens to douchebags thus justifying my top 5 list. Thank you and have a nice day.