In predicting a victory this Samedi a la Centre Bell dans Montreal, GSP has questioned if Josh Koscheck should even continue fighting should he lose a second time to the Canadian champ.
During yesterday's title fight press conference GSP delivered this amazing quote which completely trumped any insult or antagonizing Koscheck has done in the past 6 months:
“If he has the same mentality as me, Josh Koscheck, he’ll have to reconsider his career. If he wants to be the best, after he loses two times to me, it’s going to take a long time again before he goes for the title. Maybe, never again. He’ll have to climb up the ladder a long time. I’m going to beat him on Saturday night and that will be the end of it. I’m not going to talk about him for a long, long time and I’m going to feel very happy.”
It was a rare showing of passion for GSP to put on display before a fight. But it was beautiful in every sense of the word.
Now this is why it is only the 2nd greatest pre-fight quote of all time, I don't think a quote like this could ever be topped:
"March 16th, Mike Tyson [vs.] Razor Ruddock, Razor Ruddock dies. If he doesn't die, it doesn't count. If he's not dead, it doesn't count."