After retiring as baseball's iron man leader with 2,632 consecutive games played and amassing over 3000 career hits, Cal Ripken Jr. began a career as a security guard where he even landed a job on The Jerry Springer Show breaking up fights. He was so successful and such a fan favorite that studio executives rewarded him with his very own TV talk show. You can now catch Ripken Jr. going by the stage name of Steve Wilkos and giving marital and domestic advice to to the lovely functional citizens of the U.SofA
Do you remember the kid from the hit film Dazed and Confused? The kid with the long hair who gets paddled after pitching in his baseball game and ends up hanging out with all the older dudes for the rest of the movie. Yeah, well that kid became a pitcher in real life, and a damn good one at that too. After a failed acting career, he decided to drop his uber cool stage name of Wiley Wiggins and go back to his boring birth name Tim Lincecum. You can now catch Wiley Wiggins or Tim Lincecum, whichever you prefer, pitching for the San Francisco Giants, where he is one of the best pitchers in baseball.

Remember the guy who played Hank, Jim Carrey's alternate personality in the movie 'Me, Myself, and Irene'? His name was Rich Franklin, and he is now a UFC fighter.

Keith Jardine's amateur dance video can be seen here:
Well that sums it up for the first part of "Hey, I Wonder What They Are Up To Now?" I hope you enjoyed it and please subscribe to my blog. Also feel free to leave a comment, i would love to hear your feedback. Be sure to stay tuned for "Hey, I Wonder What They Are Up To?" part 2. Happy Easter!
lame as hell
stop embarrassing yourself
too funny bro
The Tecnoviking is AMAZING! Where'd you get that clip! I can't believe Keith Jardine
Great post
Geeez...good post! Besides, what the hell was Keith doing in Berlin anyway? Did he live in Europe or smth? I mean the "Fuckparade" isn't as commercial and more of an insider thing... ANYHOW, good job and nice find!
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